Thursday, February 21, 2013

Healing Light

©Debbi Smith Rourke
Healing Light  30x24"
Oil on .5" gallery-wrapped canvas  / unframed (no frame needed)
Contact me for purchase

This is special to me. I often get "downloads" or inspirations from my angels. One Saturday morning last fall, I woke up and received what I now consider a powerful light healing meditation. That morning, my mind was quiet and happy and blank. I was lying down. All of a sudden I started getting mental images of large squares of white light, about six feet by six feet, thin like a dryer sheet, going through my body starting at my feet and up to my head and surrounding space around me. They swashed though me one by one and then started coming faster and faster till it was just one strong light at my feet shining through me like a big strobe light. The thought came to me: "purification." Then I started seeing, in my minds-eye remember not thru my eyes, dark inky-blue purple light coming up my body, starting with my toes and slowing moving up my body. The thought / word came to me: "fortification." I understood that all the cells in my body were being fortified. This took several minutes - was slow like a software download on the computer. Finally, I saw a burst or flash of vibrant red light shoot up my spine to my neck. The word/thought came: "repair/reparation." I've had disc surgery in my neck and I have referred pain occasionally from this. Thus, the red repair light appeared where it was optimum for ME. So purify, fortify and repairing of cells must be the optimum way to heal. Works for me!!!!

I was inspired to paint this "Healing Light" piece so everyone could do this light healing meditation. The large white-ish area above represents the purifying white light. I put a Roman numeral I at the bottom right to indicate it is the first passage of light. The purple is actually next, so I put a II symbol in the bottom right. There is a tiny III in the red area. So now you can do your own "light healing" meditation. I am sure it was meant for all!! 

This painting is available. It uses techniques I am embracing - layers, varying thicknesses and using bold brush strokes and a variety of palette knife styles of application. It will be exhibited in the Scarborough Building main 6th street lobby from March 3 thru mid April. After that, any interested buyer can take it home. :-)


Pam Holnback said...

Wow! The comparisons are so interesting! Love the strong colors.

Debbi Smith Rourke said...

Thanks, Pam. Forgot to mention my friends call me Rourko now.